
Started Behind the rivers of “KUSH” and blowing a SHOFAR to proclaim the World union of the Lost Tribes from Israel – (dispersed) Yehudah and (outcast)Ephraim and their Friends(Gentiles) in the reconciliation with the Jews/House of Yehudah under the Divine Mandate of Mashiach – Yeshua Rabbeinu our Melech Ha Mashiach.

Started Behind the rivers of “KUSH” and blowing a SHOFAR to proclaim the World union of the Lost Tribes from Israel – (dispersed) Yehudah and (outcast)Ephraim and their Friends(Gentiles) in the reconciliation with the Jews/House of Yehudah under the Divine Mandate of Mashiach – Yeshua Rabbeinu our Melech Ha Mashiach.

  1. To Strengthen our communities in the land of our exile
  2. Building the Communities in India and Africa based on the Zephaniah prophecy – (“ Behind the Rivers of Kush”).
  3. Proclaim the Will & Purpose of the Creator and Training  the disciples of the Torah of Mashiach
  4. Torah Witness to the Nations in the merit of Yeshua Tzaddik Melech haMashiach
  5. To Install Torah Scroll in Beit Knesset Efrayim Synagogue and be a witness from Jerusalem
  6. To Build the “Holy Nation of Efrayim/Yisrael” – Begin Laying the foundations ( plans, blueprints, etc) for the establishment of the Holy Nation.
  1. Building the infrastructure for the Torah library.
  2. Accepting the “Yoke of Torah” / “ Yoke of heaven” under the Authority of  Maran Rabbeinu Yeshua  Melech Halacha. 
  3. Promoting the hidden teachings of the inner dimension of Torah.
  4. Being a nation of priests (leaders) and holy people.
  5. Setting the people of truth through the spirit of Mashiach.
  6. Holy One of Yisrael will restore the exiled souls of Israel with the true teachings of Torah by faith in Yeshua Melech HaMashiach.
  7. Promoting the Torah Weekly Parsha studies.
  8. Training the Leaders in a strong foundation of Torah studies.
  9. Building Communities for Torah Training Centres.

Tefillah ( Prayer ) – Service of the Heart in synagogue during days and nights to serve the Most Ancient Holy One of Israel.

Therefore, say that Adonai Elohim says this: ‘True, I removed them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries; nevertheless, I have been a little sanctuary for them in the countries to which they have gone.’ -Ezekiel 11:16

 Amidah  (the silent, standing prayer), “When I call upon Adonai, give glory to our Elohim.  Open my mouth, Lord, and my lips will proclaim Your praise.”

Through Him, therefore, let us offer the Most High a sacrifice of praise continually. For this is the natural product of lips that acknowledge His name. – Hebrews 13: 15

They all joined together constantly in prayer – Acts 1: 14

They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel’s father, and Ephraim is My firstborn son. -Jeremiah 31: 9